The Disney Space

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I love desktop wallpaper.  When I surf the world wide web I collect pictures and form collages.  Needing a place to store them, I decided here would work, until the collection grew so big I needed a bigger storage unit.  To access the wallpapers, follow the link below.

The Disney Space Wallpapers

There were sixteen original members of the Mickey Mouse Club, two of whom were adult guides.

The guides were Jimmie Dodd and Roy Williams.

The youngsters were Annette Funicello, Bobby Burgess, Bonnie Lynn Fields, Cubby O'Brien, Cheryl Holdridge, Darlene Gillespie, Doreen Tracey, Tommy Cole, Sharon Baird, Linda Hughes, Lynn Ready, Lonnie Burr, Karen Pendleton and Don Agrati.